論文 (2005年)
- Uehara A, Yamamoto Y, Watanabe A, Aburatani H, Komiyama M. Construction of chimera protein by using artificial restriction DNA cutter. Nucleic Acids Symp Ser (Oxf). 2005;(49):279-80.
- Yamamoto Y, Zhou JM, Tomita T, Uehara A, Aiba Y, Watanabe A, Aburatani H, Komiyama M. Gene manipulation using artificial restriction DNA cutter. Nucleic Acids Symp Ser (Oxf). 2005;(49):73-4.
- Matsubara D, Niki T, Ishikawa S, Goto A, Ohara E, Yokomizo T, Heizmann CW, Aburatani H, Moriyama S, Moriyama H, Nishimura Y, Funata N, Fukayama M. Differential expression of S100A2 and S100A4 in lung adenocarcinomas: Clinicopathological significance, relationship to p53 and identification of their target genes. Cancer Sci. 96(12):844-57. 2005
- Tauchi M, Hida A, Negishi T, Katsuoka F, Noda S, Mimura J, Hosoya T, Yanaka A, Aburatani H, Fujii-Kuriyama Y, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M. Constitutive expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in keratinocytes causes inflammatory skin lesions. Mol Cell Biol. 25(21):9360-8. 2005
- Mashima R, Saeki K, Aki D, Minoda Y, Takaki H, Sanada T, Kobayashi T, Aburatani H, Yamanashi Y, Yoshimura A. FLN29, a novel interferon- and LPS-inducible gene acting as a negative regulator of toll-like receptor signaling. J Biol Chem. 280(50):41289-97. 2005
- Aiba T, Kohu K, Ishidao T, Yasui N, Horii A, Aburatani H, Akiyama T. The mammalian homolog of the Drosophila discs large tumor suppressor protein up-regulates expression of the ELR(+) CXC chemokine Scyb5. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 337(1):191-194, 2005
- Katsuoka F, Motohashi H, Ishii T, Aburatani H, Engel JD, Yamamoto M. Genetic Evidence that Small Maf Proteins Are Essential for the Activation of Antioxidant Response Element-Dependent Genes. Mol Cell Biol. 25(18):8044-51. 2005
- Hishiya A, Ito M, Aburatani H, Motoyama N, Ikeda K, Watanabe K. Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (Atm) knockout mice as a model of osteopenia due to impaired bone formation. Bone. 37(4):497-503. 2005
- Inamura K, Fujiwara T, Hoshida Y, Isagawa T, Jones MH, Virtanen C, Shimane M, Satoh Y, Okumura S, Nakagawa K, Tsuchiya E, Ishikawa S, Aburatani H, Nomura H, Ishikawa Y. Two subclasses of lung squamous cell carcinoma with different gene expression profiles and prognosis identified by hierarchical clustering and non-negative matrix factorization. Oncogene. 24(47):7105-13. 2005
- Yamashita S, Tanaka Y, Tsutsumi S, Aburatani H, Minato N, Ihara S. Analysis of mechanism for human gammadelta T cell recognition of nonpeptide antigens. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 334(2):349-360. 2005
- Naito AT, Akazawa H, Takano H, Minamino T, Nagai T, Aburatani H, Komuro I. Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase-Akt Pathway Plays a Critical Role in Early Cardiomyogenesis by Regulating Canonical Wnt Signaling. Circ Res. 97(2):144-51. 2005
- Ishikawa S, Komura D, Tsuji S, Nishimura K, Yamamoto S, Panda B, Huang J, Fukayama M, Jones KW, Aburatani H. Allelic dosage analysis with genotyping microarrays. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 333(4):1309-1314, 2005
- Yokoyama K, Higashi H, Ishikawa S, Fujii Y, Kondo S, Kato H, Azuma T, Wada A, Hirayama T, Aburatani H, Hatakeyama M. Functional antagonism between Helicobacter pylori CagA and vacuolating toxin VacA in control of the NFAT signaling pathway in gastric epithelial cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102(27):9661-6, 2005
- Tsuji AB, Sugyo A, Ogiu T, Sagara M, Kimura T, Ishikawa A, Sudo H, Ohtsuki M, Aburatani H, Imai T, Harada YN. Fine mapping of radiation susceptibility and gene expression analysis of LEC congenic rat lines. Genomics. 86(3):271-9 2005
- Ge X, Yamamoto S, Tsutsumi S, Midorikawa Y, Ihara S, Wang SM, Aburatani H. Interpreting expression profiles of cancers by genome-wide survey of breadth-of-expression in normal tissues. Genomics 86(2):127-141, 2005
- Yamauchi N, Watanabe A, Hishinuma M, Ohashi KI, Midorikawa Y, Morishita Y, Niki T, Shibahara J, Mori M, Makuuchi M, Hippo Y, Kodama T, Iwanari H, Aburatani H, Fukayama M. The Glypican 3 oncofetal protein is a promising diagnostic marker for hepatocellular carcinoma. Modern Pathology 18(12):1591-8. 2005
- Shimamura T, Ito H, Shibahara J, Watanabe A, Hippo Y, Taniguchi H, Chen Y, Kashima T, Ohtomo T, Tanioka F, Iwanari H, Kodama T, Kazui T, Sugimura H, Fukayama M, Aburatani H. Overexpression of MUC13 is associated with intestinal-type gastric cancer. Cancer Sci. 96(5):265-73. 2005
- Yanagihara M, Ishikawa S, Naito M, Nakajima J, Aburatani H, Hatakeyama M. Paired-like homeoprotein ESXR1 acts as a sequence-specific transcriptional repressor of the human K-ras gene. Oncogene 24(38):5878-87. 2005.
- Kano M, Tsutsumi S, Kawahara N, Wang Y, Mukasa A, Kirino T, Aburatani H. A meta-clustering analysis indicates distinct pattern alteration between two series of Gene Expression profiles for induced ischemic tolerance in rats. Physiological Genomics. 21(2):274-83. 2005
- Liu HJ, Moroi S, Yasumoto S, Koga T, Masuda T, Chen QJ, Tu YT, Fure M, Aburatani H, Urabe K. Expression of elafin in extramammary Paget’s disease. Br J Dermatol. 152(3):578-9. 2005
- Hanada T, Tanaka K, Matsumura Y, Yamauchi M, Nishinakamura H, Aburatani H, Mashima R, Kubo M, Kobayashi T, Yoshimura A. Induction of hyper Th1 cell-type immune responses by dendritic cells lacking the suppressor of cytokine signaling-1 gene. J Immunol. 174(7):4325-32. 2005
- Fukumoto S, Yamauchi N, Moriguchi H, Hippo Y, Watanabe A, Shibahara J, Taniguchi H, Ishikawa S, Ito H, Yamamoto S, Iwanari H, Hironaka M, Ishikawa Y, Niki T, Sohara Y, Kodama T, Nishimura M, Fukayama M, Dosaka-Akita H, Aburatani H. Overexpression of the Aldo-Keto Reductase Family Protein AKR1B10 Is Highly Correlated with Smokers’ Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinomas. Clin Cancer Res. 11(5):1776-85 2005
- Capurro M, Filmus J, Hippo Y, Aburatani H, Sato H. Glypican-3 as a serum marker for hepatocellular carcinoma.Cancer Research 65(1):372; author reply 372-3. 2005
- Komura D, Nakamura H, Tsutsumi S, Aburatani H, Ihara S. Multidimensional support vector machines for visualization of gene expression data. Bioinformatics. 21(4):439-44. 2005
- Inozume T, Matsuzaki Y, Kurihara S, Fujita T, Yamamoto A, Aburatani H, Shimada S, Kawakami Y. Novel melanoma antigen, FCRL/FREB, identified by cDNA profile comparison using DNA chip are immunogenic in multiple melanoma patients. Int J Cancer. 114(2):283-90. 2005